Assistive Technology
KSSB provides opportunities for students to gain instruction in technology.
LiveBinders & Padlets
KSSB Field Services have created content specific LiveBinders/Padlets.
Adapted Books Library
TSVIs can borrow or share books that have been adapted for students with CVI.
CVI Resources
CVI is a brain-based visual impairment caused by damage to the visual pathways or visual processing areas of the brain.
Expanded Core Curriculum
Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC) is the set of nine specialized instructional areas addressed by the educational team.
Kansas Instructional Resource Center
Kansas Instructional Resource Center is housed on the campus of KSSB and assists Kansas local education agencies in obtaining materials that support instruction. Contact Kia Boyd with any questions.
The KanLovKids Project offers Low Vision Collaborative Clinics (LVCC) and Low Vision Collaborative Clinics + (LVCC+) to children from ages birth through 21 who reside in Kansas. Contact Anna Cyr or Rachel Ghram with any questions.
Deaf-Blind Project
KSSB houses the Kansas Deaf-Blind Project which establishes partnerships across the state to support outcomes for students who have both a visual and hearing loss. Contact Katie Kirchhoff with any questions.
Braillewriter Repair
Is your braillewriter sticking or chewing up your paper? Find out more about braillewriter repair!